Dave Pullinger was born 1928 was scripted in to the RAF in WW11,where he was a navigator in Lancasters and flew many missions and was lucky to come through it, on the light hearted side of things once he was ment to land the Lancaster at Scampton but instead navigated and landed in Scotland. After the war Dave was a senior lecture at Bromley college and was also a Tool maker class 1.In the early eigties
dave passed his private pilots licence Dave was married to Violet and had 4 girls but sadly lost Violet 3 years ago I have known Dave for quite a few year now through doing the model flying show circuit,we always camped together at the Hastings shows but like many other shows around the country they have died out through poor attendance, I would hate to guess how long his has been modelling but I know he has been well in to his gliders as well as powered models through the years. Dave has been teamed up with Dave Horton now for 20 years through pages on my site you will see me mention big and little dave,this is just my way of talking about them both, little dave being Dave Pullinger and big dave being Dave Horton and in the 20 years little Dave has helped Big Dave create some really nice planes, Dave is also known for his propeller making for large scale models which include John Greenfields 1/2 scale Tigermoth which has been flying around flying fields and shows all round the country this year, also Dave Horton as many planes using the Pullinger props they are on the Honey Bee,Fokker dh 1 and the Dunn,and many more dedicated large model pilots a round the country have had what is known as a Pullinger prop. Dave was also known to do talks a round model flying clubs One of them
being Don Coe another good freind of mine, Don has had a prop made for his 1/3 scale Bleriot XI which has given him a very successful and enjoyable season.
The model was scratch built by Don from Mick Reeves drawings and rib pack. It is powered by a Laser 300V fed from two 16oz tanks and driving a 28 x 10 laminated mahogany/beech propeller built by his good pal, Dave Pullinger.
when you see these props up close they are a work of art. Dave also makes and repairs full size vintage propellers, and last year repaired one for a Tigermoth in Norfolk. Dave has some very nice planes in his collection and I will try and cover some on this page that I have dedicated to Dave. The first plane is a old favourite if Daves it a bi-plane glider.
This is one of only a few bi-plane gliders that were ever made which may have been the reason that dave likes them
These pictures were taken in the late 70's Dave in 2012 will be building the Zurivogel at 1/2 scale, this version of this glider will probably be a first built at this scale, Dave and a small group of use now get involed in more glider events a round the country. And between the pilots they are always looking at building something that is different and this glider is definitely different and I can't wait to see it Dave next year will be 84 and he his still as enthusiastic as he was when he first started.
RM451 - Spalinger S-10
The Spalinger was designed by Dave
Designer: Dave
Star Rating: ***
Wingspan: 2997mm
R/C Functions: 4
Big 1/4 scale model of a vintage Swiss biplane glider. Designed for slope soaring operation, it features wing warping for lateral control - 5 servos, one in each wing plus rudder, elevator and tow release.
Jacob Spalinger built a full-size biplane glider back in 1928(?). It used wing warping instead of aileron control.
The model plan by Dave Pullinger was originally published by Radio Modeller for a 118" (1/4 scale) wingspan and is still available in the UK (RM451 - Spalinger S-10).
Well Dave has done it, he's finished the 1/2 scale version of this great glider, the day was 9th of November 2014 and the place is Baldock the home of the NLMFC for the maiden flight of the Spalinger Zurivogel.
The lower wings are now fitted the all up weight is 48kg and the colour scheme stands out really well.
Its amazing how big this glider is, and you realize once you stand next to her 1 kg off lead is being added to the nose weight to reduce the towing drag that occured with also a elevator mix with the tow release, before the 2nd flight John is just adding a few touch's to the settings the pilots are from Perfect Pilots.

Nice one Dave