This is our last event of the season and the weather is looking good, with a bbq being arranged for 1.00pm with a few slots arranged for large groups. The team behind the scenes were up early this morning to get the field ready for the day and with the wind was almost straight down the strip, the day is starting to look perfect. The pictures I have taken will be grouped in four categories with Crowds and field,jets,prop planes and gliders.
As the pictures shows this brought out everyone out this weekend to our club, with a full car parking area that is one of the biggest gathering of people and flyers to a flyin event that I have been to this year.

I have not seen this amount of planes for a long time with a wide range of size's and types of planes, the flight line had queue lining up to fly with this carrying on all day. It was also nice not to see any blue plastic covers in the static area for a change. Flyers came from all over the country,Southampton, Swansea,Maldon, Kent and Lincolnshire.
A big thank you to the NLMFC and everyone behind the scenes that made this day a great day