I met Ian through John and the Ghost Squadron at the belle-Vue and Binham events and have become good friends, one of the things we have i common is our love in German gliders and especialy unusual german gliders.
The Blohm & Voss BV 40 was a Germangliderfighter designed to attack Alliedbomber formations. By eliminating the engine and positioning the pilot in a prone position (i.e., lying on the front), the cross-sectional area of the aircraft was much reduced, making the aircraft much harder for bomber gunners to hit.
Its key features were a very narrow and fairly heavily-armoredcockpit, and two 30 mm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannon in the wing roots with very limited ammunition. The fuselage was constructed almost entirely of wood, a non-strategic material. During its short attack time, the glider would fire its weapons, then glide back to earth. The idea of carrying a bomb on a cable behind the glider was briefly consideredThe first flight was in the May 1944. Several prototypes were completed, but the project was stopped later in the year as the end of the war drew near.
Here are some of the original photo's I have found on the Blohm Voss.

And this last picture of the Blohm Voss lifting off after dropping the dolly on the tow.
Hatch J71 airplane glider
D-4-610 is a Jatch J71, one of two seaplane gliders produced in Germany in
the 30's . Only one J71 was built and it was towed behind a speedboat on
Lake Bodensee in about 1931.
I was quite surprised that the lack of information there is on this Hatch J71, this is I think because there was only one made. If I can find any more about this seaplane glider I will add it as it comes
Now for some pictures of the model
The model , at 1/4 scale was scratch built in three months from small three
views and the few pictures that exist.
The pictures can be found at

Berlin B6, DFS Miese
After the Olympic games in Berlin in 1936 introduced gliding as an Olympic sport, plans were made to fly the 1940 Olympic championships with a standard design of sailplane to give each pilot the same chances. As a result of this, the Meise was redesigned to fit into the new Olympic class specifications.
The new 'Olympia' Meise had the prescribed wingspan of 15 m (49 ft 2 in), spoilers, but no flaps, and an undercarriage consisting of a
skid and a non-retractable wheel. The pilot sat all-enclosed in an aerodynamically clean fuselage made of laminated wood and topped by an acrylic glass hood. The plane could be launched by winch as well by airplane. Its wood-and-fabric construction made it easy for flying clubs to maintain, to repair and even to build the gliders from kits.