The Fieseler Fi 156 Storch was a small German liaison aircraft built by Fieseler before and during World War II. Production continued in other countries into the 1950s for the private market. It remains famous for its excellent STOL performance and low stall speed of 31 mph(50 kmph; French-built later variants often appear at air shows.

I have flown and had a Svenson Fieseler Storch since 2002 and flew it around the flying show circuit and its sudden end at the Eastnor castle event in 2006, I had put a os90 four stroke in which was quite a strain to do, but the sound matched the plane.
I kept the parts for one of those I get round to it days that just don't seem to happen, Then I bought a few years later a second Storch of the same make that was being recovered, and once again stored that till another day.
Then this year Feb 2019 I spotted another Svenson Storch on the B.M.F.A. for sale site all complete and snapped it up , I bought it without the engine as I was going to put a small petrol four stoke in her but the one that fitted was only a 11cc and the one required was a 15cc and that was to big to fit in, so I opted for a electric motor

here is a picture of the plane I picked up some work will require doing on her starting with changing the servo's over to Hitec and fitting a futaba sb7008 Rx, and fitting a electric motor which I found the hardest bit of all as there are not a lot of place I have found to go to over 3 kg to get a correct match for a plane.
This Svenson storch comes out 4.7kg with no engine or batteries and possibility of a flight pack as well. I went back to the same person I always use and that is Electricwingman where he has a Axi motor table to work out the motor and speed controller including the prop size required for the style of plane and weight. then I could work out what size batteries I require which would then give me my total all up weight.

I went for a Axi 4130/16/v2 and a Hobbywing FlyFun v5 ESCs 80A 3-6s speed controller, so now I know I require 6 cell pack at no more than 35c rating. The next thing was to match the size of the battery with the area for the battery will sit in the plane, this gave me a 60x50x160mm size area with the possibility of opening up the old fuel tank bay to give me a bigger battery or a good c of g position to move around.
As you can see I had to make a block of ply to allow the motor to come forward to sit in the correct position, this block was 50mm deep. Then all bolted on to the engine bulk head. With the fuel tank gone as well now I have room to fit the speed controller in its place and the leads will go through the fuel tank box area to inside the fuz where the battery will sit, this is in the well of the fuz perfect for the battery.

Now to remove the old servo's for new ones and maybe fit a second elevator servo as the original workings look a bit flimsy, also changed the alirone servos, that where just stuck in with double sided tape, I have now made some proper hard wood servo mounts .
With the motor sorted out and the speed controller all is left is the power pack which will be 2 off 6300 35c 3 cell Lipos from Onbo with 4mm bullet connectors. with toe of these in series that gives me 22.2 volts at 6300 mAh, that should give me a good 12 minute flight with some in reserve, that also means the total weight is now up to 6.5Kg.

this is the trench the battery duo pack will fit in to the size is 60x60x160mm this is the same size as the battery pack but with removing the balsa plate between the battery compartment and the old fuel tank compartment I now have a extra 120mm to the engine fire wall.

Here are a couple of pictures of before and after