Time has come round again to set of to Devon where the Ghost Squadron host a week in the heart of Devon high up in a place called Belle Vue airfield and a big thanks to Don the owner of the airfield, with a great view of Lundi Island on one side of use and the deep valleys of Dartmoor on the other side.
I must say it was a great miss with Little Al one of the Ghost Squadron, missing this outing for the first time since This venue has been running, the early weather forecast for this weeks fun was not not good, but weather is a funny thing and this year was no surprise with 70 mph winds and gusts hit us on the first part of the holliday followed with no surprise with heavy rain, but once this cleared the weather for the rest of the week was some very good Devon weather we are used to.
It was nice to see the same faces come together again for a weeks flying and to see some new planes that have been made for a new season.
There is always a big presents of gliders and this year was no different with also a nice collection of power planes. Here is two of the tugs that will be heavily used over the 7 days,Pat can be seen getting the tow line ready with Jane just behind him, and gliders getting ready in the background.
And in the distance The Moors of Dartmoor can be seen in the top right hand corner, the Moores can be seen all the way down one side of where we are and has some great views throughout the day.
Here is a good view of the 25 caravans and also gives you some idea of the size of this event. John and the ghost squadron had made a great job of the cutting of the runways and pits and flight areas.
Keith who was our neighbour this year, this is Keith's first season of getting in to gliders, John was taking Keith's glider out the maiden flight. Keith also brought some nice scale vintage planes with him this year. Below is a chance to see some of the powered models

John's Orlik above just after a flight

A lesson to be learned here for me, never to leave your glider to close to the flying strip, has you can see this was where the Bosian of Ivan came to rest once landed.
I just I had to take this picture, seeing is believing.

After a great days flying where can you get a view like this, and once the sun goes down night flying will start.
I would just like to say thanks from all of us
John and the Ghost Squadron
For a great weeks flying and all the help and advice that was given throughout the week to many people.