This page will cover tracks made and designed by the Stephens rc mini z group using RCP and Kyosho track and will talk about modifications made to the track, most if not all the racks we use are supplied by Redfin models.

The amount of time wasted when putting the track down every time, its never straightforward, so I wanted to come up with a plan to make it easier to put the track down.
The problem being the corners normally, so after sitting down and going over and over I came up with a colour coded idea and keeping the tiles in two's, this is indicated by the circle in the picture and the markers are colour coded in groups, this splits the track into areas so less complicated.
And each group colour is numbered, so now its also numerical it can't be any easier.

The orange tiles are my RCP track and the Black tiles are Kyosho Track, both tracks do go together but not with the same sided tiles so where one set would be smooth and the other rough, this causes mixed traction, So I set out to make a couple of adaptor tiles there in green so all can be smooth. the company is POLY-PROP Ltd and the foam is ACF100 foam, this is also called 30pp EVA foam


TILEThe track will be changed slightly To allow the group to try something not done before as far as I know, a complete pit area will be formed from 30ppm EVA 8mm foam bought from a uk company

The track was made possible by making some home made inner curves by also adding some extra 4 sided tiles this then freed up some of the straight bumper tiles to extend the track to what it is today.
I will as normal go more in depth on the home made parts that was used shorthly

This is slightly out of date now as we have 3 inner corners added, and we have now renumbered the tiles for easier assembly.Below are some of the pictures showing the upgrades .

Things are moving faster now the 3 inner curves have made loads of difference and has created a faster lower end part of the track, and below is the latest scale drawing numbered. There is still going to be one more edition in a few weeks and that will be the final layout complete.

After the modified corners were added and allowed us to have over some normal straight bumper tiles we were able to add 8 metres to the tracks length, without losing both the technical and fast parts of the track to give us a all round style track.
There will be more on the modified parts in the Mini-z Upgrades category plus a link from here once complete.
I would like to thank the dedicated guys in our group because without there time and help the Stephen's RC Mini-z racing group would not exist.

The latest track was brought on buy buying two more large L shape tracks from a very nice guy in Mitchum on friday night , t was well worth the trip, to be able this amazing track with the input from Dave and the rest of the group.
At the end of the day the track is for all to have fun so its in the interest of everyone to be happy, What the new layout gave us was more speed parts and more tec parts.
As we have always said its not just about making a easy fast track , that gets boring very quickly, but to have loads of technical mixed in makes it fair for everyone , plus the two straights opposite each other we made rough so this has changed the tyre surface which really makes you think very quickly.
The track has gone from the original track of 28mtrs to now a whooping 60mtrs long timesed at 28 which is the scale figure gives a total of 3,360mtrs which makes it slightly bigger than the MONACO at 3,337mtrs.
So we can now say this is now a 1/28th scale of the full size GP circuit.