S.Z.D Jantar 1
Wanitschek Kit
1/4 Scale Glider
This very nice 1/4 scale Jantar glider I have acquired from Pam and John Elliote from Wales,I was contacted by Pam to see if I could help them sell some gliders for them, at this very time of writing this there are only 3 planes out of a very large collection that John had built over his modelling years.
John was a well known builder of slope soarers gliders.and also wrote for modelling magazines in the past
Well I received my jantar today 13/09/2013.So the first thing I had to do was put the glider together, thats what the first group of pictures are , sorry the first one is of me as well

You don't relize how big these gliders are until you stand next to them

Now to convert this slope soarer scale glider to a tow glider, Now I had now idea how to do this so a trip to see John
Greenfield a friend on mine of the Ghost Squadron was required to be pointed in to the correct direction. First thing to do was to replace the 1700ma battery pack with a envoloop 2000ma battery pack and replaced back in to the nose And another flat pack 2000ma battery was fitted on the c&g and siliconed to a piece of balse to give a base for it to be stuck on.

Then they were both connected together with a Y lead and fitted to position 8 on the rx I cut out the power on off switch because found that the switch was given problems with the vairo, but more on this later.

Next was to fit the release servo and the parts that goes with it.
Some snake is used for the release, but the snake wont be stuck to the fuz as the snake is very hard to have any thing stuck to it, as I learnt to place some masking tape a round the snake and this allows glue then to be stuck to it, then use some epoxy to tack the snake to the side of the fuz.
Some fibre glass cloth can be cut in to strips and placed over the snake once the epoxy has gone off.
Before fixing the servo to the side of the fuz, a base is made form 1/4 balsa and a piece of 1/8 ply, the balsa is first shaped to match the side of the fuz where its going to be fitted to.
And the ply stuck to the top of the balsa so the screws and be fitted in to.
The servo base is another laserbit part and a servo which is a Hitec 311,once the base is stuck to the fuz with epoxy the servo can now be screwed on the the base.

With the round servo arm fitted a piece of wire can be fitted to the servo arm with a Z bend and then the wire can slide back in to the snake and the servo can be placed where it needs to be fitted down and the wire can be cut down to the correct size, once this is done the movement can now be reduced to allow the wire to released the tow line.
Sticky velcro is also stuck to the base plate to allow the rx and the variio to be mounted.
Two pieces of yellow snake can be seen of about 30mm each, one placed on the side of the fuz near the release servo and the other being near the retract servo on the left if the picture.
these are for the rx wires to stay at there correct angle for the best pick up of signal. The wires just need a tidy up .
The last bit to do is the slot to be made in the nose for the tow release loop.
About 20mm from the battery end of the snake two black dots can be seen, these are 2 off 2mm drill holes that is drilled from the inside either side of the tubing.
Then from the outside join up the dill holes with a few mor drill holes till the slot is made, like the picture on the right, and then the slot is finished of with a small file to make smooth and tidy.
History of the Jantar 1
The SZD-38 Jantar 1 (Amber) is a glider designed and produced in Poland from 1971,
Production of the 19m span Jantar commenced as the SZD-38 Jantar 1 in 1973 with 57 built by 1975, 24 for export. The success of the SZD-37x prototypes in the World Championships was not repeated, due partly to shrinkage of the epoxy resin causing irregularities in the wing surfaces, and partly to the improved performance of the competing aircraft. The SZD-38 broke seven Polish National records in 1973, but was soon out-classed in competitions. The standard instrument fit included Variometer, Turn and Bank, Compass as well as standard ASI, Altimeter etc.. Provision was also made for an Artificial Horizon and oxygen equipment.