I thought I would Show how easy it was to make a Mini z carry case as a few people have asked about where I got them from and price, So I will go in to depth on the build also there is a 2 minute build movie I made to go with this page.

Take the 3m ply and mark out the ply tp the size you require

Always use a metal ruler when using a knife to cut the ply, you don't cut all the way through.

Once you feel the knife in to the soft part of the ply you can snap it.

Now you have all the dividers you want, just clean up the edges and your ready for the next step.

Items required now are double sided tape a knife and the dividers

To use the most of your double sided tape put two dividers together and it will take 3 strips.

The next bit is better with a scalpel now slice down between th e2 ply dividers and do this both sides.

Lay the blue rubber sheet flat down on the table.

Now we have to lift the backing of the double sided tape.

Best way of taking the backing of is to use the scalpel poke it into the corner of the backing paper and lift.

Now position the divider squarely on the rubber sheet and press down.

Cut down the side so you can fold the divider over.

Now fold over once you have taken the backing tape off.

Now cut a round the divider with the scalpel.

You can still get another divider out of this sheet of rubber so don't waste it.

One done 7 more to go , also at this stage give the divider a trim.

Next one stuck down.

Fold it over.

Press down evenly and firm.

When using the off cuts only remove the backing where required ,other wise it gets a bit sticky.

Little bit more to go.

Remove 3mm of both edges so they slot in to the case slots, you can leave the double sided tape on, this will help to stay in place.

One more to remove the edges on the first side.

All 8 completed

Now for the case that comes from B&Q for £30.

Remove the cross dividers but don't through them away, as we will re use them.

Now remove the two uprights.

move in the to main dividers to the required position.

Now for the first of the dividers.

The good thing about this idea is they can be altered at anytime for different size cars.

One side complete.

Now for the second side , you will start to see the middle dividers bowing inwards, this will be sorted shortly.

All cross dividers now fitted.

This is where we start to use the dividers that got removed and marked up to fit between the two uprights.

Now to mark the 3mm from the edge to remove the rubber.

Now both sides are removed and ready to be slid in.

Position and gently start to slide in.

Now pushed all the way in.

Now both if them are mow in you can put as many as you want to suite your requirements.

Now for the final touch, and that is a title label. remove the rubber to the length of the label.

Label fitted with glue gun, the label is 12mm wide and 65mm long, with dymo sticky label.