Well its come round again, our clubs glider event with the weather said to good with the wind almost down the field.
Well we woke up to this reckon we can't ask for much more, now to put some gliders together. Then others started to turn up, some all the way from Southampton to fly at our clubs event. Gliders of all sizes vintage and the latest glass ships. Carpark now filling out.
We had 3 tug pilots for the day John in the red cap tony in the other blue shirt and Ray shared the towing throughout the day
Mark with his back to us has just taken ownership of this large gull wing glider. Mark is getting ready for his first flight
Paul taken his glider out for a tow and Mark going out for a second flight

The day finished at 5pm with some good thermals through the day, my best one was sadly when it poured down with rain for about 10 minutes, then the weather turned out really nice afternoon.
Well down to everyone involved.