The date is the 4 of August on a Saturday morning with the weather reports giving rain all day today with rain again for the Glider event from 1pm on Sunday, the weekend didn't look good at all. But the one thing I have learnt over the years, is don't go by the weather reports just go for it, so we did and what a weekend is started with myself getting there at 9.45am with John already setting up and Pat and Jane with Tony following just after, it was nice to make a weekend of the event, and thanks for Maurice and the club for allowing it to happen. There was one little shower about 11.15 but after that it was sun all the way and some good flying was had by all. Sunday started with 5 mph breeze and the sun was out and the field was filling up with pilots and there gliders, pilots came from around the country this was nice to see My tigermoth has been brought to this event as a tug, Its been used as a tug but not at a meet so I was looking forward for a repeat of Binham at Easter with the tiggy tugging up my Ka8b, with John
at the helm of the tiggy. The last time a problem occurred with the Z38 doing a piston ring, now with a new piston ring fitted the starting of the engine is now a lot easier then before with anyone that has been with me how much pain it took to start up. Well thanks to John putting this all right now I'm not warn out before flying the tiggy. To start the flying for me started as good as it could ever get with mine and Pat's tiggy's up together for a very relaxed 12 minutes, flying them in close formation and with the breeze only a very light 5mph it just could not get any better Pat for quite a while has had trouble with the engine that had first been fitted , but now with a change of engine to a Zenoah 38 fitted this year Pat has now started to
enjoy the flying of his tiggy, which means more tiggy flying together more this year. John has brought his very large DG glider with the fitted power pod, John gave some amazing flying for the visitors to see, and if you get a chance just have a look at the pilots, they are so life like.

Gliders are now building up along the flight line, and by 11am the flight line was filled up, the tug position and start up area was placed I thought in a very good position. Now for some more photo's of some of the gliders along the flight line.

A big thanks to the NLMFC for a good organized event and a tasty bbq.