Year 2011
This was my first day out with the newly painted and fitted out Damn Yankee, and to run in the new 26 Zenoha now fitted replacing the SC 108 allowing to up the prop from 16x8 to 18x10 which is a perfect replacment and brought the fun back in to my favourite mustang.
This is John starting his new 1/4 scale spitfire with Ken standing over and helping John for his maiden flight.
Steve is doing finals with this nice 1/4 Mustang Steve likes his warbirds normal he his flying a thunderbolt and Mike about to take off with his Lowley
Design of Chris Willis Models.
There are two of these in our club at the moment and what a sight when both are in the air, the other of cause is Chris him self.
Some jets that come over to Baldock to fly
Mike with his latest 1/4 scale Proverst

The proverst is powered by a MVVS 80 with a pitts muffler, the sound of this is very true like and it looks great in the air. Mike did a good job of fitting all the rivits and dash and cocpit, weight comes out to 19kgs Nav lights are also fitted to give it the final touch.
Nice selection of planes turned up for ken 50th Birthday weekend
These two are from Stewarts hanger
Here is Maurice's latest plane to his collection, I missed the flying of this very nice German fighter
A very nice cub was here this weekend with the air still, this was ideal flying weather for it. And it looked even better in the air, it was also nice to see it being flown to scale
This amazing moth has won in a best build competion and deservedly so, the closer you get to this very nice model the better it gets, it weighs next to nothing
Here is a couple of planes from another Stephen from our club.
Last weekend over my flying club only got better when my 1/3 scale tigermoth flew with John's 1/2 scale tigermoth, but I found it hard to believe the scale sizes when they are seen together.
The weather was perfect with a light breeze almost straight down the strip, with the sun out and very little cloud this day just could not get any better.

I had not seen this B25 Mitchell before over our site, it looks good and just as well.
The next set of pictures are from the Saturday before the large scale model day at Baldock hosted by the NLMFC.
Today brought loads of surprises started with the weather men getting it completly wrong about the weather,we had Grouse shooting on the hill opposite the flying strip, air ballons taking off in the next field and the air was completly still all afternoon till dark which was great for gliding. And the odd grouse or two running across the strip
Ken brought his latest model over