Schleicher Ka8b
The Ka8 was built in 1957 and is my first scale glider build, the plans were bought through a company called Belair which also did the laser cut parts for me.

The jig board was made from mdf board with some 50mm x 25mm soft woodThe groves or channels that can be seen in this picture will take the formers to allow the build, reason for this is the glider does not have a flat bottom.
So the only way of getting a squareness on the structure is by creating a jig such as this, which is a good few hours.
So don't rush this part because a good jig will allow a good and true fuz to be built.
You will need to give your self a centre line on the table to start with and with that all measurements will run from this line
This will need to be cut true so the set square can be used correctly
Building the Ka8 fuz
There's not a lot of wood to build this fuz it's mainly
The centre wing formers also now fitted Start of the fuz coming together, the formers can be seen slotted in to the jig. I was surprised how quickly this frame came together
This was the first laser cut part kit that I have had from Leon of belair kits, It was very nice to have all the pieces cut and fitting together like a glove.
And being my first glider build was I think a good way to go until you get the idea on how the glider are put together.

The brass frame work is made from brass box section, this bends realy nice a round a jig, then stuck to the canopy
Lower Floor and upper floor fitted

Air brakes are shown here being fitted
If I had to make these air brakes again,I would make them out of fibre glass board because what I found with the ply it would go out of shape, cause was the ply sheets that was used was to thin.

I have changed my mind on the colour scheme, the reason behind this was I have a favorite colour scheme and I have 3 planes done in it so far. Here is some of the decals now fitted and the transporting frame being built Have to keep the tail still as twisting of the fuz can occure when being transported. dihedral plates are fitted to the wing brace ready for the wings to be fitted and set up before glueing.

Never thought the shed was a bit small till I put the wings on my 4mtr Ka8b glider. Pilots in, just requires some face paint.
Finally finished c/g done, already for its maiden flight, can't beleave after 2 years building it's done

These photo's have been taken after the first days flying that included 6 succesful flights, thanks to the Ghost Squadron while we are here at Belle-Vue in devon

Now for some Ka8b duo glider tug and flying