This page is all about the Track either being Kyosho or RCP and what happens when you want that extra little bit, Well I have bought 3 sets of Large L shape 50cm tracks.
One of the problems was that both Kyosho and RCP fits together but not on the same texture, so I have two rough kits and one smooth, as these sets were never meant to go together nothing was ever made to solve the problem. So this meant my hobby fingers had some work to do, so first to find an equal foam as the track, this was easier then I thought.
I was given the foam type which is 30ppm EVA foam, so with this information I typed and searched the internet, and it was very easy to find, the company is POLY-PROPS LTD.
The base track is a CF100 professinal X foam. but they only do 2mm 4,6,8 and 10mm thick, is did cause a slight problem as the track was 12mm thick, but was easily got round buy ordering some 8mm and 4mm Foam and used double sided tape from screwfix I bought the foam in 500mmx1000mm sheets and 1000mmm x 2000mm.
This means that you can make the tiles 2 tile wide and save some work, I used a fine tip marker pen to sketch around a pair of each of the tiles and cut it out with a scalpel.

I cheated a bit by adding the second layer under the 8mm top layer, I glued the lower sheet upto the straight edge on both sides and added the fingers afterwards with some rubber glue.
The track has been tried and worked great so more added bits to the track will be made and designed.
Now after making a suitable track with all of the 3 off L shape track kits, I did not have enough inner pink corners, so I thought no problem I will just buy some, but that didn't go to plan, as Kyosho does not sell and accessories, they only sell full tracks, so I tried to buy through RCP.
But that did not go well as they only sell the inner curve bumper in qty's of 6 and 6 large outer curves, so this would mean I need ed to buy two packs and with postage it was just under $200 , the postage from the USA is really silly, So I went back to Polr-props ltd and sorted another type of foam for the bumpers.
The foam for doing the bumpers is XL FOAM RANGE this comes in 20mm 30.40 and 50mm thickness, so I went for the 30mm and bought a 1000mm x 1000mm square sheet I ordered it Monday and it came Tuesday.
I did try to mark it out with the fine marker pen again then I tried to cut one out with a scalpel but this did not go well, so I marked them out on one strip and use dmy band saw to cut them out and that worked well.

They turned out good I have not put the centre holes in yet because I don't really need them, but If I did You just use a 25mm wood hole punch like I did on the track tiles.
All these came from one 100mm wide strip from the 1000mm x 1000mm foam sheet.
The straight bumpers were straightforward to make once again all cut on the bandsaw and I got 2 pieces out of each strip, the holes will be cut out at a later date, the final problem is you can only buy from RCP for the pins if you can get hold of them , I gave up so I will make them as well next week.

CF100 500mm x 1000mm 8mm £9.50
CF100 1000mm x 2000mm x 8mm £32.00
CF100 1000mm x 2000mm x 4mm £13.00
XL FOAM 1000mm x 1000mm £23.90
SCREWFIX double sided tape X2 £7.99
Bumper Pins
The reason for making my own pins is because now I make extra bumpers and track tiles more Pins are required, but after spending a lot of internet time And not getting much help from the Kyosho dealers in the UK I found out tha Kyosho doesn't sell the pins on there own well that was the information I received anyway. So The only place you can buy the pins on there own is from RCP in the USA they don't give you a price and the postage and vat and duty it comes to a silly price, but the main thing is you just can not buy them when you want them like a lot of the Kyosho parts.

On 3 L large shape 50x50 tracks require about 240 pins for the bumpers as my modified track meant I required about 20 pins, so I set out not only to make the 20 I wanted but to totaly change all the plastic pins in the track , Because I was also finding the finger grip in the tops dig into the tiles when you stack them on top of each other, so the reason was doubled barrelled.
25mm Dowel Wicks D.I.Y
3mm Birch Ply sheet Tasma Products
P.V.A wood glue Wicks D.I.Y
4mm Wood inserts E type
M4 Button head screws
5.5 mm Wood drill
4mm Wood Drill
M3 Allen screw Driver or bit
Small Brush
25mm wood speed drill
6mm Hole Cutter