Well second event of the year and were of to Siege Cross near reading at Junction 13 on the M4, this meant a early start this Sunday morning to get to Siege Cross for 9.30am.

I took 3 gliders with me to cover all eventualities,as it was my Sigitta the one that I flew this day, and today was the first day to use my vario after it had come back from germany for repair.
Well the first flight did prove that the vario was working but the setup had changed in the vario to get the reading that was required when requested,had been up for about 10 minutes at a avrage of 800ft trying to find some lift, some small pockets of warm air was around so when my self and Chris Williams found a large thermal then fun was to be had, and my problems started with the only way of finding my height was by flicking the switch backwards and forwards on the 3 way switch on my tranny.
But every time I switched the vario on I had gained between 300-500 feet each time before I new it I could not see my sagitta, so a dive down was required to get back to normality, when I came back down to 900ft Chris also had lost hight the same way,and this was only the first flight.
John in the red cap is having a break after a busy morning towing section after towing everybody up all morning, John is now going up with his glider to do some traingular racing, this is a new thing that John has got in to this year after going abroad like he does to fly gliders with ivan.
Triangular circuit racing is very big a round europe where there is a league table which is run every year, John is the very first person from England to get involved in this new style of gliding, so it can be said that John has introduced Triangular circuit racing to this country.

Thank you for a great day to