Onbo for all your battery solutions well provened over the last 6 years a top quality A grade battery with a very good price with more power , lighter and smaller then others that I have used. and sold in the UK through this website.
Please just drop me a line to discuss your needs or even just to answer any questions
Site Shop now open I now hold a small stock of batteries between orders, and the batteries are not in stock please email at the email address above.
Click on the ONBO Logo either end

Ufprint will print anything on mugs for all ocassions throught the year,get your models on a mug.
they also do other great things for kids Birthdays and Christmas', I have had some mugs done for my gliders and they are very good at a very good price, worth given them a look thay are very friendly people to buy from.
And now polo shirts and Tee shirts with a wide range of colours and with your planes,names and any writing

Favorite Electronics is a company that I have found that supplies a complete range of ESC's at a very good price, also supplies to some of the biggest model suppliers in the uk.
And will also make any ESC to your requirements, please check the website out for your ESC needs, if you want to share the postage, please drop me a line and we can share the postage and reduce the cost.

Martin is a good friend of mine and a Modeller but he has a another hobby and that is a Aviation Artist, he also does commissions and some of them can be seen on his website in 2018 he won a award in London against some well known artist in London.
Martins Aviation Website
Click to view paintings